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I finally got my NSW driver’s license yesterday. Have been driving on a Texas license for the past 2 years. I have concluded that rude people and long lines is a worldwide universal concept among government run motor vehicle registration and licensing authorities. You see this was my third trip to the DMV over the past 18 months (not including the one I made I back home.) Every time I went, I got a different story or needed a different piece of paper… 

Well yesterday, I decided I wasn’t gonna let these people ruin my day if it didn’t work out. Can’t be too disappointed if you start with “lowered expectations right?” Had to park in their ridiculously small parking lot that only fit 8 cars. Ended up having to back into a space (a challenging task when you own a station wagon) next to a concrete wall because there wasn’t enough room to turn in. 

Anyhow, picked a number for the queue and waited about 35 minutes. Got to the window when number called. Whipped out all my paper work like I usually do. The lady quickly mumbled something about one of my documents not being in order…needed an original…  I explained to her that I didn’t have the original…original back in Texas…all I had was a copy. My heart pounding, feeling queasy in this stupid place… She mumbled and glared some more. 

Took my stuff, made copies… Then, she said look into the mirror and started giving me an eye test. Sit in chair for photo. It wasn’t until she started to run my bank card through the machine at the end that I began to realize that I was actually getting a driver’s license TODAY. Fifty minutes and $46 dollars later, walked out with a NSW driver’s license complete with bad picture and all. And, I get to do this again next year cos it expires in one year.

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