I thought I’d give a recap of what’s been happening these past few months. Moved to another apartment end of Sept. About 7 min drive from my old place. Downsized to a smaller more affordable place. It’s cozy and it’s a short walk to public transport and the shops. The place is an older style apartment and has its quirks. Hot showers are a challenge… (There is no hot water tank, but an instant hot water system underneath the sink…)  And, I’ve managed to wash clothes now by hooking up my clothes washer to the kitchen sink. We painted the living room furniture white to make the place feel bigger and look brighter… Did the trick. Attempted to dye the sofa cushions wine colored but they came out hot pink instead…

Joined a softball league in Oct. My team name is the “Pink Mitts.” We play every Tuesday night and I’m hoping to get a position other than catcher for a change. Enjoying the game, but I really wish our team would practice more…no wins yet, but I’m optimistic.

Celebrated my 29th Birthday in Oct. No big affair. Ate a nice dinner out courtesy of Mom and Dad’s credit card. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) Was actively involved in the World Dog Games held in Nov. (Was called “World” Dog Games, but there were no dogs from overseas because of apparent quarantine issues.) Did vet checking of all the canine competitors, a demo on pet first aid with my dog Buster and held a stall where I answered vet questions, sold home made dog biscuits and distributed info on my business. Was a great experience overall.

Immigration finally came through on my grad visa which means I can leave the country now. Still don’t have permanent residency yet, which has been further delayed because I’m not on the critical skills/jobs in demand list… I need to consider a career in hair dresssing, plumbing or nursing…

Thinking of coming back to the USA to visit family in Spring or Summer when air faire prices settle down.

Went for a stroll with Cherylene to Manly beach last weekend. Lots of surfing and beach volley ball competitions going on. Came across a much coveted Dr. Pepper at an import candy store. Tasted wonderful all the way from good ol’ USA!

I’ve posted some recent pics below.


Yummy dog treats in the making.

Buster & I

World Dog Games Stall


I got my Dr. Pepper. Woo hoo!

BubbeMy Bubbe (grandmother) passed away yesterday afternoon.  She was a loving and devoted wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. She was the type of person that radiated warmth and love to towards everyone she encountered (including animals too.) She had a gentle and kind-hearted way about her and was even know to soften the hearts of not-so-nice people.

Before she died, she told me the story of when she used to live in Florida many years ago, she had a really bad neighbor, but through orchids, they overcame their differences and ended up good friends.  My Bubbe’s passion and hobby of 30 years was orchids.  Her other passions included holistic medicine and organic/natural cooking.  She was into it long before it became popular.

Although my Bubbe was a very private person, it was no secret how much she loved her family and cared for others around her. She will be missed dearly. Ich hob der liebe (I love you) Bubbe.

In loving memory of Lenore Sultz Angert. June 14, 2009.

Hope everyone had a nice Easter holiday. Mine was good and relaxing. Made chocolate Easter cake that my housemates baked. (I did the fun bit–the frosting, decorating, and eating bit!) Went to church. Lots of people got baptised. Met up with some med students from the UK at a new Thai place. Got lost trying to find the place even though it was only 15 mins away according to my Tomtom car navigator. Saw some people fishing that evening at Milson’s Point. They didn’t even use fishing poles, just fishing line wrapped around a plastic handle. 

Finally finished an addictive dvd series of a tv foreign soap opera called the “The Little Nonya.” It tells the story of a deaf Peranakan woman, the culture, and the adversities and adventures of her family life from the 1930s through to 1960s.  Peranakans are the descendants of Chinese immigrants who migrated to Malaysia and/or Singapore and who adopted and assimilated the local culture. My flatmate, Cherylene, is Peranakan.

In other news, I have been studying for an English exam that I will be taking this Saturday in the city. (I’m hoping to get a high score to help my Visa application.) I’m worried about the listening comprehension part though. I have been practicing listening to British accents and cds.

Spent the day yesterday showing my new flatmate from the UK Sydney city. Went to Sydney Harbour, The Rocks, and Darling Harbour.  My fav part of the day was we when we found a Lindt chocolate cafe. The three of us had the most decadent chocolate desserts and mocha coffee drinks. Later that evening, watched the movie, “Seven Pounds” starring Will Smith. I usually go for light-hearted or romantic comedies, but this drama was actually very good. Thought provoking and kept me on the edge of my seat. Could see and feel Will Smith’s character’s anguish & turmoil.  Kinda of reminded me of a morbid way to “pay it forward.”  Where you do random acts of kindness for people…and they “pay it forward…” There was a movie like this several years ago, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t involve organ donations & sacrifice.

Been kinda of a weird week for me this week. Seems to be revolving around the recurrent theme of “death.” Spoke heavily of death and the passion of Christ this week at church, had flashbacks of my Grandpafre’s death/dying experience, have been writing an article on euthanasia for pets, even dreaming about myself dying, and then the movie “Seven Pounds.” Btw, I had no idea what Seven Pounds was even about til after I started watching it.

Can’t wait until Easter next week. Will definately be a more uplifting experience!

This week is the last week of my lenten prayer group so I decided to make oatmeal raisin cookies from scratch last night for the group tonight. Had fun making them. They came out yummy too.  Soft and chewy. I ended up making a separate batch with chocolate chips since I obviously didn’t give that up!

Chef Evy

Chef Evy

Lots of oats!

Lots of oats!

Baking in Oven

Baking in Oven

I celebrated the surprisingly successful day at the RTA (roads and traffic authority) by making home made rice krispie treats.

20 Mins Later

20 Mins Later

Less than 24 Hours Later

Less than 24 Hours Later

As you can see, I have a sweet tooth and I’m not very good at rationing!

I finally got my NSW driver’s license yesterday. Have been driving on a Texas license for the past 2 years. I have concluded that rude people and long lines is a worldwide universal concept among government run motor vehicle registration and licensing authorities. You see this was my third trip to the DMV over the past 18 months (not including the one I made I back home.) Every time I went, I got a different story or needed a different piece of paper… 

Well yesterday, I decided I wasn’t gonna let these people ruin my day if it didn’t work out. Can’t be too disappointed if you start with “lowered expectations right?” Had to park in their ridiculously small parking lot that only fit 8 cars. Ended up having to back into a space (a challenging task when you own a station wagon) next to a concrete wall because there wasn’t enough room to turn in. 

Anyhow, picked a number for the queue and waited about 35 minutes. Got to the window when number called. Whipped out all my paper work like I usually do. The lady quickly mumbled something about one of my documents not being in order…needed an original…  I explained to her that I didn’t have the original…original back in Texas…all I had was a copy. My heart pounding, feeling queasy in this stupid place… She mumbled and glared some more. 

Took my stuff, made copies… Then, she said look into the mirror and started giving me an eye test. Sit in chair for photo. It wasn’t until she started to run my bank card through the machine at the end that I began to realize that I was actually getting a driver’s license TODAY. Fifty minutes and $46 dollars later, walked out with a NSW driver’s license complete with bad picture and all. And, I get to do this again next year cos it expires in one year.

I’m sore in places I didn’t think I could be sore.  Played in 6 softball games this weekend (NSW slow pitch softball tournament).  Had a great time.  Did I mention that I’m very sore and out of shape though?  Lol .  But even though it’s been 10+ years since I last played, I’m pretty happy with the way I played.  Improved after every game.  Managed to get in several good hits too.  Ended up playing catcher the whole weekend too.  Will try to get in on some more pick-up games now.

This morning, I found a big empty patch in the cat litter box. It’s not that I’m ungrateful for Buster’s attempt to help me clean up the cat box, but it’s just plain gross!! Ewwww!

In other news, I saw my 2nd furry patient this weekend. A cat needing a toe nail trim…went well & cute cat too.  Reminded me of my old cat Chocolate Chip. (Bless his soul.)

This weekend, I celebrated International Women’s Day with my parish after mass. One was supposed to wear purple, which I had no problem because that’s my favourite colour! I wore a knit purple vest. I also brought my home-made deviled eggs for the event. They looked really beautiful! But to my disappointment, hardly anyone was keen on trying them. I guess cos it is an American thing and they’ve never seen it before. Trust me, my deviled eggs were way better than the traditional “ferry bread” and ham sandwiches. Btw, “ferry bread” is buttered bread with coloured sprinkles all over it.


Was in the mood for sweets yesterday and baked some not so healthy, but very good sugar cookies from scratch. Yummy.  🙂

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